
If you do not provide a value when you call the cell builder, the attribute you provide will be retrieved from the current item and the result will be rendered in the table cell. This is often all you need to do, but if you do want to customize the value you can pass a block instead:

<% row.text :status do %>
  <%= person.password.present? ? "Active" : "Invited" %>
<% end %>

In the context of the block you have access to the cell component if you simply want to extend the default behavior:

<%# @type [Katalyst::Tables::CellComponent] cell %>
<% row.text :name do |cell| %>
  <%= link_to cell, person %>
<% end %>


All cells support the following arguments, as documented in Katalyst::TableComponent.

  • column: [Symbol] the column’s name, called as a method on the record
  • label: [String|nil] the label to use for the column header
  • heading: [boolean] if true, data cells will use th tags
  • **: [Hash] HTML attributes to be added to cell tags
  • If a block is provided, it will be called a the cell component as an argument

You can also update html_attributes on the cell builder, similar to the row builder, see HTML attributes for details.


Tables provides a number of different types of cells out of the box in addition to the default text cell. Detailed documentation on arguments is available in Katalyst::TableComponent docstrings.


Generates a column from values rendered as text.

<% row.text :name %> # label => <th>Name</th>, data => <td>John Doe</td>


Generates a column from boolean values rendered as “Yes” or “No”.

<% row.boolean :active %> # => <td>Yes</td>


Generates a column from date values rendered using I18n.l. The default format is :default, can be configured or overridden.

  • format: [Symbol] the I18n date format to use when rendering
  • relative: [Boolean] if true, the date may be shown as a relative date (if within 5 days)
<% row.date :created_at %> # => <td>29 Feb 2024</td>


Generates a column from datetime values rendered using I18n.l. The default format is :default, can be configured or overridden.

  • format: [Symbol] the I18n datetime format to use when rendering
  • relative: [Boolean] if true, the datetime may be(if today) shown as a relative date/time
   <% row.datetime :created_at %> # => <td>29 Feb 2024, 5:00pm</td>


Generates a column from an enum value rendered as a tag. The target attribute must be defined as an enum in the model.

When rendering an enum value, the component will check for translations using the key active_record.attributes.[model]/[column].[value], e.g. active_record.attributes.banner/status.published.

<% row.enum :status %>
<%# label => <th>Status</th> %>
<%# data => <td class="type-enum"><span data-enum="status" data-value="published">Published</span></td> %>


Generates a column from numeric values formatted appropriately.

  • format: [String Symbol] Rails number_to_X format option, defaults to delimited
  • options: [Hash] options to be passed to number_to_<format>

Supports Rails’ built in number formatters, i.e.

  • phone: ActiveSupport::NumberHelper#number_to_phone
  • currency: ActiveSupport::NumberHelper#number_to_currency
  • percentage: ActiveSupport::NumberHelper#number_to_percentage
  • delimited: ActiveSupport::NumberHelper#number_to_delimited
  • rounded: ActiveSupport::NumberHelper#number_to_rounded
  • human_size: ActiveSupport::NumberHelper#number_to_human_size
  • human: ActiveSupport::NumberHelper#number_to_human
<% row.number :comment_count %> # => <td>0</td>


Generates a column from numeric values rendered using number_to_currency.

  • options: [Hash] options to be passed to number_to_currency
<% row.currency :price %> # => <td>$3.50</td>


Generates a column for displaying HTML markup.

This cell assumes that the model will return HTML-safe content. If the content is not marked HTML-safe already it will be escaped.

<% row.rich_text :description %> # => <td><em>Emphasis</em></td>