
Katalyst::Tables::Sortable adds column sorting to tables by wrapping the contents of the header cell with a link. This link contains the sorting configuration for the column. When clicked, the table will be re-rendered with the contents of the table sorted by that column. The direction of the sort is toggled between asc and desc.


Sorting will be applied if the collection is configured with a default sorting configuration. This can be done by either specifying a default config on the collection or by passing a sorting configuration to the initializer.

Collection Configuration

class Collection < Katalyst::Tables::Collection::Base
  config.sorting = "column direction"

Initializer Configuration "column direction")

When sort is enabled, table columns will be automatically sortable in the frontend for any column that corresponds to an attribute on the model.

You can also add sorting to non-attribute columns by defining a scope in your model:

scope :order_by_status, ->(direction) { ... }